RTP Electronics Recycling Drive-Thru
The RTP Owners & Tenants Association Sustainability initiative focuses on environmental issues facing RTP companies and employees. Please fill out this form to bring your approved items for a contact-free dropoff!
To fulfill its mission, Kramden will accept the following items:
• Desktop computers: any age/make/condition
• Laptop computers: any age/make/condition
• LCD monitors: any age/make/condition
• Peripherals: mice, keyboards, hard drives, RAM, flash drives, power cords, VGA cables,
• Servers
• Enterprise networking equipment
• Tablets: any age/make/condition
• Cellphones
Due to the current state of the recycling industry regarding leaded glass and plastic prices, Kramden is unable to accept the following items:
• CRT Monitors • Stereo Speakers
• Televisions of any size/make • Household Appliances
• Printers • Consumer Electronics
• Scanners • Lamps or Bulbs
• Shredders • Household Hazardous Waste
Kramden Institute has long partnered with the RTP Owners & Tenants Association Sustainability initiative for RTP Electronics Recycle Day. Kramden’s mission is to provide technology tools and training to bridge the digital divide and they have refurbished and given out over 35,000 computers since their founding in 2003. Any computer material that can be reused through their programs will be, while everything else will be responsibly recycled through a certified e-waste recycler. Kramden takes data security very importantly and will wipe every hard drive that is donated or physically destroy the drives if they cannot be reused. Eligible equipment will receive a tax donation receipt from Kramden. Visit http://www.kramden.org/ for more information.
Organizational Donations: If your business or organization would like to make a large equipment donation, please contact Kramden directly at jricker@kramden.org or visit us at https://kramden.org/corporate/ to learn more about our Corporate Equipment Services.