It’s officially 2015 and that means a whole crop full of new events! All of us here at RTP are energized for the year to come, and wish you a happy new year!
On January 15th we’ll be launching a new space called The Frontier. Located at 800 Park Offices Drive, many of you will recognize it as the place where we hold our weekly Fidelity Food Truck Rodeos, Happy Hours and where our community garden grows. Beginning this month, most of our programming will make the transition over to this new space. RTP 180, 1 Million Cups and Disrupt will now call this building home. There are also a ton of other events taking place there throughout the month! We hope you’ll come out and join us as we kick this space into high gear!
RTP 180: Endless Frontier
Jan. 15th, The Frontier
We’re starting off the new year at a new location (800 Park Offices Drive, RTP NC), and all of us on the RTP team can’t wait for you to see The Frontier! January’s RTP 180 is a celebration of the endless possibilities that abound in the areas of science, technology and innovation. RTP companies and researchers at the surrounding universities are working life-altering discoveries, and we want to show them off to you at this free catered and kegged event.
Sign Up: https://endlessfrontier180.eventbrite.com
Tech Jobs Under the Big Top
Jan. 13th, RTP HQ
This isn’t your father’s job fair! The best tech companies pitch YOU. We’re looking for individuals from all backgrounds: software developers, executives, sales professionals, project managers and recent graduates. No resumes or suits necessary.
You can register here: http://bigtop.it/event/big-top-rtp-winter-2015
RTP Food Truck Rodeo sponsored by Fidelity Investments
Each Friday, The Frontier
Each Friday you can grab lunch at our Fidelity Food Truck Rodeos at 800 Park Offices Drive. From 11:30am – 1:30pm there will be tastiness in the middle of RTP. The trucks will change weekly so show up hungry and bring your friends!
View the weekly truck lineup here: https://www.rtp.org/program/rtp-food-truck-rodeo/
Triangle Corporate Volunteerism Summit
Jan. 15th, RTP HQ
Volunteerism is an indicator of an area’s Quality of Life. Did you know that the Triangle ranked 40th out of 51 large metros across the country in volunteerism? RTP is partnering with Activate Good, a nonprofit that connects individuals, groups, and companies to volunteer needs around the Triangle, to launch a dialogue on how the corporate community can get involved and play a role in boosting volunteerism in the local community! Space is limited. Represent your company at the Triangle Corporate Volunteerism Summit by registering online and join us for breakfast on Thursday, January 15, from 7:30AM – 9:30AM.
Happy Hour at the RTP, on the RTP
Jan. 8th, 22nd & 29th, The Frontier
Don’t like traffic? Like free pours from Bombshell Brewing and the company of friends? Join us from 4:30pm – 6:30pm and avoid waiting in the I-40 parking lot. There will be music and general merriment inside The Frontier located at 800 Park Offices Drive. See ya then!
High 5 Conference
Feb. 25th – 26th , Sheraton Downtown Raleigh
Want to attend Raleigh’s only conference for marketers and creatives at a 15% discount? Use the code RTP15 and be on your way to hearing Johnny “Cupcakes” Earle, Spike Jones, Aaron Draplin and others at the Sheraton in Downtown Raleigh. Why travel when you can stay in the Triangle?
Register: http://www.highfiveconference.com/2015/badges/
Book Harvest’s Dream Big Book Fair
Jan. 19th, Carolina Theatre
Inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King’s vision of a world in which every child has the chance to realize his or her full potential, Book Harvest’s Dream Big Book Fair is rallying people of the Triangle to gather and donate their gently used children’s books. The goal of the event is bring in 40,000 books in a single afternoon!
More Info Here: http://www.bookharvestnc.org/how_to_help/serve_with_us_on_mlk_day_2015
1 Million Cups
Jan. 14th & 28th, The Frontier
Let’s share some coffee together! Come out and join your fellow entrepreneurs, mentors and startups-at-large for Kauffman Labs’ 1 Million Cups. The Research Triangle Park will be hosting Kauffman Foundation’s 1MC bi-weekly on Wednesdays, in partnership with LAUNCH Chapel Hill. IE: one week 1MC is at RTP HQ the next it’s at LAUNCH Chapel Hill.
Astronomy Days 2015
Jan. 24th & 25th, NC Museum of Natural Science
Let’s get spacey! The Museum partners with NASA and the Raleigh Astronomy Club to help you see the big picture — of the Universe! Space enthusiasts of all ages will find something to do at Astronomy Days.
Triangle Tech Breakfast
Jan. 22nd, RTP HQ
Interact with your peers in a monthly morning breakfast meetup. January’s get-together features presentations by Eventuosity, AuditBucket, OnYou and Thoughtbot. Techies, designers, developers and entrepreneurs are welcome to come, share and learn from a group of their peers at this free event.
Sign Up: http://www.meetup.com/Triangle-TechBreakfast/events/218613705/
2015 CED Life Science Conference
March 3rd – 4th, Raleigh Convention Center
Mark your calendars for the 2015 Life Science Conference! This annual gathering enables NC life science entrepreneurs to connect with hundreds of venture capital and strategic investors from around the nation, and boasts globally-recognized industry leaders as conference speakers and participants.
Register Now: http://www.cednc.org/lifescience/registration/
ComsciCon Application Deadline
Register now for ComSciCon-Triangle 2015, a two-day science communication workshop organized by and for graduate students. ComSciCon will be held on March 7 and 21, 2015. Cosponsored by NC State Humanities and Social Sciences, NC State Sciences, Duke, UNC, the Research Triangle Park, and the NC Museum of Natural Sciences. Organized by grad students from NC State, UNC-Chapel Hill and Duke University.
Register: http://comscicon.com/comscicon-triangle-2015-program