‘Tis the season for giving, being with loved ones and holiday themed events! Check out or listing of all kinds of upcoming goodies across the Triangle. There’s certainly no shortage of things to fill your December with happiness and sparkle.
RTP 180: Culture of the Carolinas
Dec. 18th, RTP HQ
What better way to close out 2014 than with a celebration of the state we all call home. North Carolina is full of uniquities; some we encounter each day, others we might not even notice. Help us celebrate our final RTP 180 at 12 Davis Drive (don’t worry – we’re just moving locations!) with an homage to our great state. We’ll have fantastic craft beer (brewed here of course) and food that shows off how tasty we really are.
Happy Hour at the RTP, on the RTP
Dec. 4th & 11th, 800 Park Offices Drive
Don’t like traffic? Like free pours from Bombshell Brewing and the company of friends? Join us from 4:30pm – 6:30pm and avoid waiting in the I-40 parking lot. There will be music and general merriment inside The Frontier. See ya then!
RTP Food Truck Rodeo sponsored by Fidelity Investments
Each Friday, 800 Park Offices Drive
Each Friday you can grab lunch at our Fidelity Food Truck Rodeos at 800 Park Offices Drive. From 11:30am – 1:30pm there will be tastiness in the middle of RTP. The trucks will change weekly so show up hungry and bring your friends!
View the weekly truck lineup here: https://www.rtp.org/program/rtp-food-truck-rodeo/
Wake County Transit Kickoff Meeting
Dec. 8th, Raleigh Convention Center & RTP HQ
Care about the future of transit in Wake County? If you commute to RTP each day, you should. This kickoff session is the first step in the *new* Wake County Transit Plan. If you want to have a voice in how things shake out, show up. The main event is at the Raleigh Convention Center, but RTP will be hosting a satellite viewing party at 12 Davis Drive.
The RTP on CommuniGift
In the true spirit of generosity, let’s give back to our community this holiday season. Join The Research Triangle Park team on Communigift.com to help spread joy to deserving families. If 10% of RTP employees gave one item, that would be 4,000 purchases!
Finding Solutions Through Science, Scholars & Survivors
Dec. 17th, UNC Friday Center for Continuing Education
Join us for a luncheon benefiting Susan G. Komen® North Carolina Triangle to the Coast, 11:30 am -1:30 pm on Wednesday, Dec. 17 at the UNC Friday Center for Continuing Education. The luncheon will showcase advances in breast cancer research funded through the Komen National Grant Program and feature a keynote address from Dr. Judith A. Salerno, Susan G. Komen President and CEO. Komen Scholars Dr. Gerard Blobe, Duke University School of Medicine and Dr. Lisa A. Carey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will also discuss their breakthroughs. Tickets are available for $50. http://tinyurl.com/KomenNCTCLuncheon
1 Million Cups
Dec. 3rd & 17th, RTP HQ
Let’s share some coffee together! Come out and join your fellow entrepreneurs, mentors and startups-at-large for Kauffman Labs’ 1 Million Cups. The Research Triangle Park will be hosting Kauffman Foundation’s 1MC bi-weekly on Wednesdays, in partnership with LAUNCH Chapel Hill. IE: one week 1MC is at RTP HQ the next it’s at LAUNCH Chapel Hill.
RTP Breakfast Food Truck Rodeo
On Hiatus Until Spring!
Brrrr….the breakfast rodeos are on hold until the weather warms up! They’ll be back at 800 Park Offices Drive serving you up tasty goodness once the trees start blooming. See you then!
Fortify Town Hall Meeting
Dec. 4th, Raleigh Convention Center
The construction along I-40/I-440 is about to really rev up. Phase II will begin in early 2015. This part of the project will impact many more commuters, and stakeholders are encouraged to attend the community meeting.
Giving Tuesday
Dec. 2nd, Wherever You Roam
#GivingTuesday is a day for everyone, everywhere, to GIVE! The RTP squad is supporting the Wake Boys and Girls Club, and we encourage you to as well!
Get to Giving: http://wakebgc.donorpages.com/AnnualCampaign20142015/
IBM Bluemix IoT Design Challenge Demo Day
Dec. 12th, 800 Park Offices Drive
Come see what the teams have cooked up in just four weeks during IBM’s IoT Design Challenge! The event will feature teams demonstrating their designs for judges from IBM’s expert panel. Even better, the winning team will go home with $2,000.
Tweet @TheRTP.
Are you following @TheRTP on Twitter? You should be – we love sharing the awesomeness that is our community with you. We’ve also just launched the *new* RTP.org and your tweets (or Instgrams, YouTubes or Google+ posts) might just show up on our homepage. Got something to share? Include us in the Tweet and we’ll give you a shout out on our 16k+ network! Out and about? Use this hashtags and show up in our Discover tab with the Triangle’s finest: #theRTP, #RTPlife, #RTPstartups