“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” – Winston Churchill
It’s easy to get caught up in life’s first-world problems such as sitting in afternoon traffic, having to replace the cracked screen on your iPhone, or the difficult decision of whether to get dinner at The Pit or Tyler’s Taproom; I am fully guilty of this. When the little things are the only problems on your plate, it’s easy to only focus on them. Sometimes, however, we are encouraged to look up, glance around and take in some of the other problems facing our beloved Triangle community.
Here in Research Triangle Park, we are given many unique chances to give back. Starting today, there is an opportunity to actively participate in benefitting the community around us by donating school supplies to this year’s Back2School school campaign. Companies around the RTP are coming together to donate various school supplies, along with fully-stuffed backpacks, to students of Durham County Schools though a partnership with a wonderful charity: Communities In Schools NC. This drive will run from July 21st – August 22nd.
On the final Friday of the drive (August 22nd), come out to the Food Truck Rodeo for one last shebang! We’ll be having a celebration for all companies that participated in the Back2School Campaign, but there will also be one last chance to contribute! Crayons2Calculators will have a big, yellow school bus in attendance with volunteers accepting last minute school supplies to donate to teachers and students in Durham County Public Schools.
To get involved with the Back2School Campaign, please contact Abby Gingrich at gingrich@rtp.org or (919) 654-6998.
We have a lot of students to provide for, so let’s get the word out in a big way!