It’s no secret that we’ve been looking for community input in regards to our plans for the Research Triangle Park’s redevelopment. Last week, over 50 RTP employees, from various companies, gathered at our headquarters building to brainstorm during the ReImagine RTP Town Hall Session.
What do people want the future Park to look like? Well, we’ve broken down notes from the evening so we could share them with the rest of the world.
And if you want to share your biggest ideas, we invite you to submit your story over
- A centralized, large “RTP as Information Times Square” – Hive/Hub Concept [i.e. an open, light, bright, community area with a massive screen ala TweetDeck/Twitter]. It runs a, social, RTP-area API w/feed from job search resources, local press, community groups. Constant, streaming, real-time input, news, events, from multiple “vetted” sources. But also includes a “column” for ongoing projects, experiments, research, etc; with the ability to pull hash-tagged projects/messages with a gesture from the main screen to a personal device, for actual detailed collab. Twitter meets Quora meets Kanban board.)
- Separate honeycombs/labs so that the collaborative element of the “hive” is not lost. Use this to find a common cause/project; and then group up in a separate side area – w/the latest digital acrouments.
- Noise cancellation pods for the busier areas.
- Include Concierge Screens – Drop presentations off wirelessly, have a quiet place to present – seamless networking inside, outside.
- Outdoor meeting spaces.
- A variety of workspaces – with appropriate, up-to-date infrastructures. Single/collaborative. New age and “oldschool” office amenities.
- Advanced lab space, shared spaces, for tests, experiments. Include cameras for coordination around the globe.
- Smart desks with digital interactives – ability to plan – digital sticky notes?
- Centralized calendar of events.
- Digital support for social/retail/pleasure – beyond business.
- Large, tech-friendly auditorium.
TLDR? We need constant information curation; and high-tech spaces that allow for agile, actionable collaboration, communication, testing, planning and delivery.
Public Activities
- Transportation; need to be able to move people around to get to activities.
- Shared bikes.
- Shuttles.
- Rickshaws/pedicabs.
- Corporate arena for challenges/events.
- Festivals
- Outdoor concerts
- Arts
- Scholarly events
- Food/Bev style events
- Farmer’s Market
- Golf Course
- Convention Center
- Outdoor Facilities
- Child care
- Fitness Club/Gym
- Schools
- Room for professional societies/associations/clubs
- Activities for children
- Common/public athletic facilities
- Career fairs.
TLDR? We need to be planning a whole lot of cool stuff, consistently.
Universities & Colleges
- Better connect the universities and the Park. Transportation is key.
- Light rail? Hours? Service?
- Extend bike and jogging trails to universities.
- Bike share. Interlocking.
- Trails w/signage and maps.
- Translational Center – physical place.
- Lecture space – shared curriculum?
- Branding for the region that includes all schools, not just the big 3.
- Incorporate international communities.
- Affordable/walking housing
- Accommodations for visiting researchers and professors.
TLDR? We need better integration and transportation.
Public Spaces
- Water features
- Green spaces
- Botanical gardens
- Community-supported agriculture
- Conference facilities
- Amphitheater
- Entertainment options
- A unique common area (Main Street)
- Variety of living options
- Physical ways to tie the universities to the companies in the Park.
- Golf or driving range
- Fitness/pool
- Places to congregate after work
TLDR? We want a variety of high-tech, community spaces.
- Residential component
- Grocery store
- Arts/Recreation/Sports
- Co-op space w/multi-organizational use.
- Museum of Science and Technology – “Walk of Fame” – Incorporates place for universities to meet in RTP w/RTP Employees
- Schools
- Events, i.e. technology festival.
- Live music
TLDR? We want cool stuff to do.
Cities and Towns
- Want to enhance what our surrounding communities already do well. Arts/Culture, Nightlife.
- Unique lifestyle experiences.
- Fostering of dialogue between our companies and K-12 schools (career prep, mentoring, connecting education w/industry).
- Maintain green space/remain open to nature.
- Visibility of science/research, showcasing our accomplishments.
- Dining/services that convenient for RTP employees.
- “Innovation Main Street” – companies can house bus dev functions, showcase research. Retail aspects (Cree LED lights, BASF pesticides, IBM servers, etc.)
- “Pitch Days” – Open Mic Innovation
- Become a destination for international visitors. We already have lots of traffic from abroad as people visit our companies – we can build off of that.
- Need better connection to airport.
- Want a venue for music.
- Unique stores.
TLDR? We want a high-tech, cool, unique community that celebrates our accomplishments, connects us and provides a healthy work/life/play balance.